Pr. Abimael Merino
Our Pastor
Pastor Merino is a third generation SDA, he was borned and raised in the SDA faith. His father was a self-support church planter missionary.
Pastor Merino grew up in the mission field and has done church planting himself, he has preached in public evangelism crusades, and given many Bible study series preparing many people for baptism.
Pastor Abimael has a passion for people and loves to reach out for the unreach, and spends a lot of his time, energy and resources in helping those in need. His desire is to see more and more people get ready for heaven.
Pastor Abimael has served the church in many capacities and has been an ordained elder since 1987, and ordained minister since 2017. He finished his Bachelor in Theology in 2004 with The Adventist Pacific Institute of Theology in California.
Pastor Merino and his wife Maria have three children and seven grand children.
David Merino
Family Life Director
Roberto Merino
Head Deacon
Maria Merino
Head Deaconess
Liezl Grape
Daughters of Zion and Music Director
Pascal Bavakur
Personal Ministry Secretary
Communications Director
Marcia Chiwawa
Compassionate Ministry